Frequently Asked Questions
Do you rent out your facilities?
Yes. Please email bethellc@aol.com for more information.
I am a visitor. Should I participate in Holy Communion?
All baptized Christians who believe that Christ is truly present in this sacrament are invited to participate. This means you do not have to be a member of the church to take communion. If you have not yet arrived at that point in your understanding of the Christian faith or if you hold to a different understanding, you are still invited to come forward with other participants during Communion to receive warm words of blessing from the pastor. Infants and young children are also invited to come forward during Communion to receive a special children’s blessing.
How do I connect with Bethel?
Getting connected to the church is different for everyone. Some like to jump right in and become members of the church. Others like to sit back, take time, and test the water. Either way we are glad your here and we welcome you to our family. If you have you would like to talk with our pastor you can email him bethelpastorjon@gmail.com or you can call him 440-409-1488.
Can I talk with the Pastor?
Yes. You can email him bethelpastorjon@gmail.com or you can call him 440-409-1488.
Does your Pastor perform weddings outside of the church?
Yes. Pastor Jon is available for all member or non member weddings. You may email him bethelpastorjon@gmail.com or call him 440-409-1488 for more information.
What is worship like?
Worship begins at 9:30am. Our goal is to create a space where you can encounter Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Spirit, become reenergized and revitalized. We offer a traditional worship service that is designed for people of all ages, we connect sermons and scripture to everyday life, and a special children's message every Sunday which connects the grace of our Lord to their life.